Seaweed is a natural source of alginate, a substance composed of alginic acid units and calcium ions, known for its gelling capacity. This material induces self-association, forming stable micelles that create a hydrated layer on the surfaces of vessels, providing resistance to biofouling. The hydrogel can be crosslinked through physical mixing or by combining hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers, based on the principles of ecological chemistry. Blue-antifouling represents an innovation in its applicability, being a high-performance non-biocidal product that uses hydrodynamic principles to prevent biofouling in submerged structures. In addition, monitoring macroalgae bloom areas can boost the promotion of the bioeconomy, contributing to the advancement of research in the areas of Marine Science and Technology.
Biofouling, Alginate Gel, Antifouling, Marine Equipment Protection.