Volume 13

December 2023, Volume 13, Number 3/4
  • Design of an Embedded System: Bedside Patient Monitor
    Ertan Ozturk1, Ozan Emre Yapıcı2, Mehmet Unal2 and Osman Çakıcı2, 1University of North Dakota, USA, 2ERETNA Medical LLC, Turkey
June 2023, Volume 13, Number 2
  • Pip-MPU: Formal Verification of an MPU-Based Separationkernel for Constrained Devices
    Nicolas Dejon1,2, Chrystel Gaber1 and Gilles Grimaud2, 1Orange Labs, France, 2Univ. Lille, France
March 2023, Volume 13, Number 1
  • Tion Sport: A Mobile Application Designed to Improve a School’s Sport Event Scheduling System
    Junhong Duan1, Yujia Zhang2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA