Volume 4

November 2015, Volume 4, Number 4
  • On Optimization of Manufacturing of Multichannel Heterotransistors to Increase Their Integration Rate [Pdf
    E.L. Pankratov and E.A. Bulaeva, Nizhny Novgorod State University, Russia
  • Surface Polaritons in GAAS/ALGAAS/LH Hetrojunction Structure in a High Magnetic Field [Pdf
    Majdi S. Hamada1, Ali. H. EL-astal1 and Mohamed. M. Shabat2, 1Al-Aqsa University, Palestinian Authority, 2The Islamic University of Gaza, Palestinian Authority
  • Bound State Solution to Schrodinger Equation With Modified Hylleraas Plus Inversely Quadratic Potential Using Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics Approach [Pdf
    Ituen .B.Okon1 , Oyebola Popoola2 and Eno.E. Ituen1, 1University of Uyo, Nigeria and 2University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
  • Magnetized Plasma with Ferromagnetic Grains as a Viable Negative Refractive Index Medium [Pdf
    Belayneh Mesfin and Osman Tahah, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
  • Relativistic Mean Field Study of SM Isotopes with FTBCS Approach [Pdf
    Afaque Karim,Tasleem A. Siddiqui and Shakeb Ahmad, Aligarh Muslim University, India
August 2015, Volume 4, Number 3
  • Bound- State Solution of Schrodinger Equation with Hulthen Plus Generalized Exponential Coulomb Potential Using NIKIFOROV-UVAROV Method [Pdf
    Ituen. B. Okon1 and Oyebola Popoola2, 1University of Uyo, Nigeria and 2University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
  • Exact Solutions of Schrodinger Equation with Solvable Potentials for NON PT/PT-Symmetric [Pdf
    Akaninyene D. Antia, Imeh E. Essien and Eno E. Ituen, University of Uyo, Nigeria
May 2015, Volume 4, Number 2
  • An Approach to Model Optimization of Man-Ufacturing of Emitter-Coupled Logic [Pdf
    E.L. Pankratov and E.A. Bulaeva, Nizhny Novgorod State University, Russia
February 2015, Volume 4, Number 1
  • About Modelling of the Gravitational Fields [Pdf
    Stanislav A. Podosenov 1, JaykovFoukzon2 and Elena R. Men'kova1, 1All-Russian Research Institute of Optophysical Measurements, Russia and 2Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
  • New Scenario for Transition to Slow 3-D Turbulence Part I.Slow 1-D Turbulence in Nikolaevskii System [Pdf
    J. Foukzon , Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
  • Optimization of Dopant Diffusion and Ion Implantation to Increase Integration Rate of Field-Effect Heterotransistors. An Ap-Proach to Simplify Construction of the Heterotransistors [Pdf
    E.L. Pankratov and E.A. Bulaeva , Nizhny Novgorod State University , Russia
  • Analytical Solutions of the Modified Coulomb Potential using the Factorization Method [Pdf
    Akaninyene D. Antia1, Eno E. Ituen1, Hillary P. Obong2, and Cecilia N. Isonguyo1 ,1University of Uyo, Nigeria and 2University of Port Harcourt , Nigeria
  • Classical and Quasi-Classical Consideration of Charged Particles in Coulomb Field of Bound Charges [Pdf
    Stanislav Podosenov1, Jaykov Foukzon2, Alexander Potapov3, and Elena Men'kova4, 1All-Russian Research Institute of Optophysical Measurements, Russia, 2Israel Institute of Technology, Israel, 3Kotel'nikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia and 3,4All-Russian Research Institute of Optophysical Measurements, Russia